It didn't take long for me to decide to implement a pretty substantial element of improvisation in this work, at least here in the beginning. But as you'll see in the score, there are definitely parameters set in place. In essence, I'm trying to control a sense of chaos, and I've used a few different methods here.
1) Improvisation which must include some given elements
2) Completely free improvisation, but as a dialogue with another musician
3) Improvisation embedded within notated music
This last method is the one I'm particularly excited about, and have been thinking about trying this for several years.
This music (as with all improvisatory music) is highly dependent on the performance (and the caliber) of the players involved. And as one might imagine, this can cause a great deal of consternation for a composer. The performers for this concert, however, give me the utmost confidence. This leaves me with one area of trepidation concerning the piece, which is the overall pacing. My job as communicator then becomes possibly more difficult than if the piece was notated in a more traditional fashion. Keeping fingers crossed...
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